I think everyone has his own views and perspectives on skateboarding. Part of what determines your personal viewpoint is your peers and the environment around you. I feel extremely fortunate to have grown up skating in Boston. I back almost everyone who skates in the city. Most of my fellow skaters give off great vibes and skate all day. As my friend Waffle put it, "All of us skate all the time and we're all little skate rats." Waffle's words are a testament to the fact that most of the time people are skating the city for the love of it. Many crazy tricks go down but usually without a camera. You can usually find the filmers skating much more than they actually film. It's great! Sure people film a little but most of the great memories of skating in the city didn't involve a camera at all.
Oftentimes I will space out in a tedious environment, like my statistics class, and think consciously or subconsciously about skateboarding. I want to use this blog as a medium to bring these subconscious thoughts into the conscious realm of the internet user. Inspirations for this blog will come from my peers and my environment. So definitely look forward to some interviews in the near future. But I also want to draw inspiration from other sources such as the radio, books, and all different types of media that haven't been compared to skateboarding too much before. I'm hopeful people will take an interest in this blog and I'm excited to see what the future holds!
Me doing what I love most:
Video: Jon Wolf
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